Friday, August 24, 2012


Oxford... that sweet city with her dreaming spires -Matthew Arnold

Oh Oxford, how you stole my heart! What a sweet city, steeped in scholastic tradition!

What a grand day trip that was- spending my time wandering the streets where C.S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and countless other greats used to walk. Home of the oldest university in the English speaking world, a trip to Oxford means you are in for a treat. It's beautiful, and thoughtful, and reflective. It's a place where people think deeply, and challenge themselves academically. A place where students wear tuxedos to class, and eat their meals in grand banquet halls. A place whose motto is, Dominus illuminate mea which means, "The Lord is my light." A place where even the architecture is meant to draw the eye, and the thoughts up to God. Needless to say- I loved it! 

Have a peek at some of the day's snapshots.

The main thing I walked away with after walking the streets of Oxford is that I want my life to be built like this city. I want my life to draw the eyes of others up to God. Ahh! It was so inspiring! 

Had the lovely opportunity to visit Magdalen College while we were there, where C.S. Lewis was a professor. 

One of the highlights of the trip was getting to cross something off my bucket list when we had dinner at The Eagle and Child where Lewis, Tolkien, and the Inklings met together. Sitting in that pub has been on the list for several years now, and now, I can finally say I've done it! Sadly though- no pictures so you'll just have to take my word for it. 

There it is! A tiny peek into a one-day trip to a lovely city. Believe me, neither the photos, nor my description could do it justice. If you ever have the chance to visit- Do it!!

Happy weekend everyone!



  1. Lovely! You captured the essence of the city so well! I did get the chance to visit just a few weeks ago and you are absolutely right! It is just such an inspiring place of knowledge! yay!

  2. I love how you captured Oxford. I'm so glad we had a chance to visit that beautiful city! We need to talk sometime. ~ Jennifer

  3. AH! How have I not seen this? Great pics! And Eagle and Child = SO awesome!
