Friday, March 8, 2013

Catching up...

Oh my, but it's been a long time! Every weekend I think, "I should write a blog. I totally miss blogging." Yet, for some reason, it's still been months since I last posted. I'm making new goals, and hoping that my blog will continue push its way toward the top of my to-do list each weekend. A little catching up on what I've been up to is in order though...

What I'm reading: The Emerald Ballad series by BJ Hoff. I'm on book two of the five-book series and I love it! I don't get to read as often as I would like these days, so when I get the chance to get into a good novel- I'm giddy! This series is set in the mid 1800s in Ireland during the potato famine. There's drama, and tragedy, and a rugged Irish poet who basically stole my heart in the first book. It's completely reignited my desire to visit the Emerald Isle.

What I'm listening to: In keeping with the Ireland theme- I've been listening to a ton of Irish music on Pandora. Caoineadh cu Chulainn is one of my thumbed up tracks

What I'm watching: My family is super into mystery shows. We finally watched Sherlock a few weeks ago, and are now anxiously awaiting the new season this fall. We also love Poirot, Murdoch, and any other old school mysteries we can find at our library. I expect to be a competent detective any day now.

What I'm doing in my spare time: Making chai! I am obsessed with chai. I love the spiciness, and the smell, and the feel of a full mug of it between my hands. This obsession has posed a problem to my wallet in the past. I used to buy my chai a cup at a time at Starbucks, and these trips usually cost anywhere between $3 and $5. That's a little hard for a wallet as skinny as mine, so I started buying the Tazo Chai concentrate instead for a while. Now, for about $5 I could get about 6 cups of chai instead of 1. Excellent, but I kept thinking that it would be cool to cut that price even more, and have the fun of coming up with my own recipe. Besides wanting to visit Ireland, the other dream that has resurfaced recently is my plan to open my own coffee shop someday, so making my own chai concentrate has been quite delightful. It's still very definitely a work in progress, but it's coming along quite nicely.

What I'm learning: Oh lots! Lots about God, and myself, and how I approach life... more on all of these  at some point later. I'm also learning volleyball this semester. It's hard for me. I'm not really athletic. I like to work out, and I did dance for years, but when it comes to traditional sports, it's quite the challenge for me. As in, it's not inherent to reach for the ball when it's coming towards me. I had to consciously work on that. Don't judge. It's really good for me though, and I am getting better! 

What I'm planning for: Lots, as usual! The big one though, is a trip to Kenya! I've been thinking and praying about going on a mission trip since last summer, so I'm really excited about this opportunity. More on this later, but suffice it to say, I'm pretty stoked about adding a new country to my passport in May. 

What I'm meditating on: "What then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave Him up for us all- how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?" The perfect Father, loved me so much that he didn't even spare his own son. That's love that blows my mind. 

Happy Friday, all! 

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