Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kenya || Part 4

Final Kenya Post!

Our last day and a half in Kenya included a safari at the Maasai Mara game reserve. This place was epic. Tiki style dining area, cool washcloths waiting for us when we arrived, and the possibility of seeing Simba up close and personal. I was pretty excited. 

This little guy came right up to say hi when we checked in.

As soon as we checked in, we headed out for our first safari. Not gonna lie- it's pretty sweet to see zebras and gazelles just hanging out next to your van. I really wanted them to all start up a choreographed song and dance routine for us- just like in Lion King.

I was on a mission to use the last bit of camera battery I had left to find a perfect tree shot to hang in my bedroom.

So pretty much the whole time on our safari that evening, I sang "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" to try and lure the lions out to us, but with no luck. So I was forced to return to the Savannah the next morning for an early morning safari to try again.   

You know that opening scene of Lion King, when the singer belts out the chanting that starts of one of the greatest movies of all time? 

Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba

Sithi uhm ingonyama

Yes, those are the actual lyrics, and that's what I felt like singing that morning. Except I didn't know the real words- only my made up ones. I did my best though, in hopes that it would call the lions to us. 

It's the circle of life! And it moves us all 
through despair and hope, 
through faith and love.
Till we find our place on the path unwinding
In the circle

The circle of life! 

I'm sorry to say, that although I pulled out every single Lion King song there is, the lions were nowhere to be seen that morning. The only lion I saw was at the airport that evening... better luck next time I guess. 

 I did get to see Pumba though!

After our early morning trip across the Savannah, we packed up, and started the 8 hour drive back to the Nairobi airport to start our long trip home. One the way back, we drove past the Great Rift Valley. Pretty impressive. 

Well that's it for Kenya tales, peeps! Stay tuned for the next adventure, which I hope will not be too far away!

Hakuna Matata, 


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