Sunday, June 9, 2013

So, I went to Africa...

It's been a week now since I returned from my adventure to Kenya. I've been wanting to blog, to share the story, and some pictures, but every time I think about writing, all I can think to say is, 

"So, I went to Africa"

It doesn't tell you much at all about the trip, yet for some reason, that the phrase that keeps wanting to be typed every time I sit down. So I'm making that the title, and hoping that the rest of the tale will follow in a somewhat orderly fashion.

It's weird to hear myself say I just got back from Africa. To me, Africa has always sounded like one of those places you know exists, but really, who goes there? It's such a big word. Africa. There's so much to it that the continent is a little overwhelming- The Nile, the Pyramids, the Sahara Desert, Elephants, Lion King! ....It's almost like saying you just returned from Jupiter.

I feel like this adventure started last summer even though I didn't know until March that I was going to Kenya. I was sitting in the London airport getting ready to fly home after a photo trip. I remember before I went to Europe last year, I was getting a little discouraged, and every now and then freaked out a bit, because my life wasn't looking like I thought a stereotypical 23 year old college graduate's life should look like. Don't get me wrong- I have never wanted my life to be stereotypical, but for some reason, I often fall into the habit of panicking if my life doesn't look "normal". "I don't have a normal 9-5 job- is that irresponsible? I don't want a 9-5. Is that wrong? I feel like I look super lame to people. I'm not putting money into a 401k. I'm 23- Shouldn't I have my own house by now? And maybe a solid plan for the future?" These were the some of the things I was thinking before I left for Europe. 

"Why are you talking about Europe, Jasmine? This post said Africa in the title!"
I know. I'm getting there. I suppose I should warn you now- I haven't written much in a while, so a long post is about due. It might be this one, so you may want to grab an iced tea and settle in. Or come back later if that's more convenient. Or not at all if you want to be that way. But don't be that way. 

ANYWAYS... while I was in Europe last year, I think one of the biggest things that God told me, was that I was in a good place in life, and it's right where He wanted me. Sometimes I feel guilty for all the amazing things I've gotten to do in the past few years, or frustrated, because I feel like I look like a girl with no real plan. What God showed me in Europe, was that it doesn't really matter what other people think, or what I think they think. It doesn't even matter what I think. It matters what He thinks. I don't have to feel guilty because He's providing for me in ways that I only dreamed about. (This was and still is a really big deal for me, and if you haven't already grabbed on to this truth, let me encourage you to do so- God has good things for you, and there's no guilt in that. He delights to give you more than you may even want to as for! I sell Him short so often in this area- thinking of Him as more of a stepdad who will give me only what is necessary, rather than a Father who promises good gifts to those who ask. But sometimes, obedience is fun. And that's ok.)  I also don't have to worry if my life doesn't look like someone else's. Now that I see this all typed out, I feel like it's super obvious. But then again, some of the biggest points of growth in my life are often those blinding flash of the obvious moments. 

Oh goodness! I got a little sidetracked! I get a little excited when I talk about cool things that my Father has shown me... 

So there I was in London, trying to grab hold of these things, and figure out how they should change me, and what I thought was, "Ok, God. So if you're ok with my life right now, then I will be too. But you've given me a ton of freedom in my finances, and especially my time, so I don't want to waste it. I want to invest in people. I want to use this stage of flexibility wisely. Show me how. Also, if it's not asking too much- I'd love to add a new country to my passport next year." I felt like a mission trip was what I needed to do, but had no idea where, or when, or with whom. (Whom? Who? I can never remember.) So I just wrote it in my journal, and left it up to God to show me. *Side note here- if you don't journal, you should!!! We have short memories, and journaling helps so much to see how God works things out, and changes us often without us even knowing. 

Fast forward to March of this year. My Bible study leader had mentioned a few months prior that he was going to be leading a team to Kenya at the end of May. I didn't think much of it at first, because I had been trying to sign up for relief work in NYC, so that was what I was focussed on at the time. Nothing seemed to be working out right though with the New York trip- timing and scheduling just weren't happening. By the time I decided in March to postpone NYC, I hadn't thought about the Kenya trip at all because it was only 2 months away, and I assumed the trip was full. As it turned out, the trip wasn't full. Keith (the leader) told me to come to a meeting and see what I thought about coming. All leading up to the meeting, I was back and forth- should I go? Should I wait for something else? I didn't necessarily feel "called" to Kenya, and it was only 2 months away, but the little crazy part of me was saying, "Do it!"  

To make a long story slightly less long- I did it! I signed up, and tried to comprehend that I was going to a new continent in two months. The thing I asked for 10 months before in London was about to happen...

So... that was quite a bit more history than I had intended to share, but such is life. Pictures and stories from actually being in Kenya will have to wait for the next post. Stay tuned, friends!




  1. SO thankful for you friend! Thanks for sharing this. I needed the reminder that God likes giving us good things. :) Can't wait to hear about your trip!
