Two days ago I got into a car accident. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but my car
is now a little crunched on one side. As I was laying awake last night thinking
about how I don’t have the money to fix this right now, and trying to figure
out what to do, like a gift from heaven, several verses were suddenly at the
front of my mind.
“And why do you worry about clothes? (Or cars…) See how the
flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not
even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how
God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown
into the fire, will he not much more clothe you- oh you of little faith? So do
not worry, saying ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall
we wear?’ (Or ‘What shall we drive?’) For the pagans run after all these
things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His
kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as
well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Of course, I’ve read these verses a couple dozen times, but I
felt like God had whispered them right into my ear that night. I’m his kid! Of
course He’s not going to leave me hanging high and dry. Why do I ever doubt
this fact? I feel like I’ve been given such a gift in this peace. I’m actually
a bit excited now, since God promises that He works all things together for the
good of those who love Him. I don’t necessarily see the point of this accident-
I didn’t pull someone from a burning car and then tell them about Jesus, I
didn’t meet my future husband in the police officer, so the way I see it-
there’s not anything really good coming from this. But He promised. So I’m gonna take that promise and trust
that He’ll make good on it. Maybe I’ll see the good that comes from this, maybe
not. But I know it’s there, and what an awesome thing it is to be reminded that
God can do things I can’t. He’s more imaginative than I am, and I love it. I
also was reminded that night that it’s not really my car anyway. Everything
I’ve been given in life really belongs to God. You have no idea what a relief
that is. I don’t have to kill myself trying to figure out a solution- it’s
God’s car! If He wants it fixed- He’s certainly capable of arranging to get it
fixed. And if He doesn’t want it fixed- well it’s His car anyway- I’m just
using it.
I heard someone say once (and I can’t for the life of me
remember who) that he tries to fight materialism and remember that life is
short by putting sticky notes on random possessions that say, “Soon to be
burned”. I thought of this as well that night as I looked at my crunchy car
door, and strangely it was a comfort. Soon to be burned. Thankfully- this world
is temporary and I’m not planning on staying forever, so the things of this
world don’t have to mean as much.
I think probably the coolest part of all of this is that I
didn’t come up with any of this myself. I’m not trying to pull myself up by my
bootstraps and self-help my way into feeling ok about a car wreck. The Spirit
of the Living God lives in me (mind-blowing!). I love when I actually notice
Him speaking right then- instead of weeks or months later.
So perhaps the “working all things for good” has already
happened. I now have three new lessons/reminders and a magnified view of God,
thanks to a car accident. And I
really, seriously do not feel worried. I can’t do that by myself. That’s epic.
I’m His kid. He’s going to take care of me. He
He works all things for my good. I can either
trust this, look for it to happen, and view setbacks as opportunities to see
God work, or doubt and be discouraged, and frustrated.
It’s a good idea to keep earthly things in
perspective and remember they’re not yours. It hurts less to let them go if you
weren’t holding too tightly to begin with.
Well that’s it! My life lessons from a car accident. I’m
excited to see what happens from here! I hope that one or all of these little
nuggets of truth is encouraging to you, friend. I feel like it’s always a good
idea to share when Jesus does something awesome for you, or shows you something
cool about Himself. I hope you are as encouraged as I am!
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