Monday, July 28, 2014

Big News!

So it's been a very quite summer as far as Blue Cherry goes. I've been a complete slacker with all things online, and an even worse slacker with business classes/to-do lists/contracts/branding/website and other such things that need to be done for Blue Cherry. The summer started out with a lovely trip to Italy (more on this to come soon!) and has been busy and full ever since I got back. I've been spending lots of time with family, so all things business have been pushed completely to the back burner. But the time for loafing is over! I'm heading back to the to-do list, and hitting it hard. I'm hoping to be unveiling some big changes for Blue Cherry in the coming months (although I think it will likely be late Fall before anything official hits the internet). But first..... the big news....

I'm moving!! I'm moving to Florida and relocating Blue Cherry Photography! Starting in September, I'll be a South Florida Photographer!

This is both exciting aaaaaand somewhat terrifying. I love adventure, and can't wait to start a new one, but I am super melancholy every time I think about leaving my family. I'm thrilled to be finally moving closer to the ocean, but sad to think about leaving my New Mexico skies and mesas. I'm excited to meet new people, but I know I'll miss my friends here dearly. I worry about what this will mean for me when it comes to finding a  job, and growing my business, but I'm excited and curious to see what God will work out! My hope is that this move will mean lots of new opportunities and hopefully lots of new beautiful clients for me to get to know and work with. I can't wait to shoot my first beach wedding, my first sunrise engagement shoot by the ocean, and am reeeeeeally hoping one of my future clients will want to incorporate surf or paddle boards into a photo-shoot.

Anyway- all of this to say- I would value your prayers as I head off on this new adventure. Pray that I will choose not to worry. Pray that I will find just the right job, and hopefully lots of great new clients! *Shameless plug here: If you know of anyone in the south Florida area who is looking for a photographer- I would love to meet them! ;)

Can't wait to fill you all in on the details of the move, show pics of the new apartment, and share all the goodness that God is sharing with me as I embark on this new journey.

Stay tuned for all that, as well as the changes in store for Blue Cherry!



p.s. If you're in NM and wanting pics- don't worry! I'll be back for Christmas, and will be booking shoots then, as well before I leave in September. Give me a call if you want some photos!


  1. How exciting, Jasmine! Changes are fun...but also scary. :) Will pray for the Lord to give you peace and joy and guide your steps in this new season!
